CPU Temperature#

For all the programs that upload to databases, they support the ability to add the device’s CPU temperature as a packet. You just have to add this json to your base.json:

  "request": [
    { "type": "cpu-temp", "processors": 1 }

Replace 1 with however many processors your device has. The easiest way to see how many processors you have is to run ls /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone*/temp | wc -l. Restarts your application, and you should see that CPU Temperature packets are being uploaded.

Required Docker Compose Configuration#

If you are using Docker or Docker Compose, you must add the -v '/sys/class/thermal:/sys/class/thermal:ro' volume so that the container can read the necessary files. If you are not using Docker, additional configuration is not required.

    image: 'ghcr.io/wildmountainfarms/solarthing:latest'
    # ...
      # ...
      - '/sys/class/thermal:/sys/class/thermal:ro'
      # ...