MATE Configuration#

Documentation for configuring the mate program to monitor a MATE 1 or MATE 2.

cd <your directory that contains docker-compose.yml>/<mate or main or whatever you called it>

We will now begin editing a file called base.json in the config directory.

nano config/base.json

Paste this into the file:

  "type": "mate",
  "source": "default",
  "fragment": 1,
  "unique": 60,
  "database_config": {
    "databases": [
  "io": "config/mate_serial.json"

Save the file. Now we need to create another file:

nano config/mate_serial.json

You’ll notice it has the same name as the "io" property in base.json. We are now configuring the path to the serial port.

You can paste this into the file:

  "type": "serial",
  "port": "/dev/ttyUSB0"

Depending on the path to your serial port, you may need to change "/dev/ttyUSB0" to something different.

Go to Running for the first time.