1-Wire Temperature Sensors#

Temperature sensors such as the DS18B20 use the 1-Wire protocol. SolarThing can be configured to monitor these sensors.

Configuring your Raspberry Pi#

The tutorial here: https://www.deviceplus.com/raspberry-pi/raspberrypi_entry_018/ provides a great walkthrough of the necessary steps to wire the sensor correctly and to enable the necessary drivers.

echo w1-gpio >> /etc/modules
echo w1-therm >> /etc/modules
echo "dtoverlay=w1-gpio-pullup,gpiopin=4" >> /boot/config.txt

Editing base.json#

You just have to add this json to your base.json:

  "request": [
      "type": "w1-temperature",
      "directory": "/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000006470bec",
      "data_id": 1

You will have to change the 28-000006470bec to something else.

Restarts your application, and you should see that CPU Temperature packets are being uploaded.