Edit base.json for a database#


See also Config databases property of base.json (Version 2023.3.0 and before) if you need configuration documentation for older SolarThing versions.

Now that your database of choice is fully set up and we have a config/<some database>.json configuration file, let’s add it to our base.json.

Start editing base.json. Right now, it should look something like:

  // ...
  "database_config": {
    "databases": [
  // ...

Let’s change it to look like this:

  // ...
  "database_config": {
    "databases": [
        "external": "config/<some database>.json"
  // ...

Save the file. It is set up now!

Run it again#

Now that you have edited your base.json with a new database, give the program a run again:

sudo docker compose up

You should see similar output from before, but there may also be additional messages saying that data is being uploaded to a database.