SolarThing Cache Database#

The solarthing_cache database is a complicated, but can be broken down. This page aims to document how it is currently used and how one can use it to cache data that may be expensive to calculate and query.

Database Structure#

Unlike other databases in SolarThing, solarthing_cache is not set up to be queried using a view. It must be queried using the ID of the document. The documents are named like so: cache_<time start>_<duration>_<source ID>_<cache name>.

Querying this data usually means making a bulk get request.

Packet Structure#

Although there are many different cache types, all documents in the database share a common base structure.

  "_id": "cache_2021-06-23T20:30:00Z_PT15M_default_chargeControllerAccumulation",
  "_rev": "31-1da15edb1b141b22d163a6fc8b7901d5",
  "periodStartDateMillis": 1624480200000,
  "periodDurationMillis": 900000,
  "sourceId": "default",
  "cacheName": "the cache name here",
  "nodes": [
      "fragmentId": 1,
      "data": {
        // ... node data here
    // ... more nodes

An entire packet represents one small interval (usually a 15 minute interval). Each node inside of the packet represent the data for a SINGLE device for that interval.

Triggering Document Generation#

Packets are generated when a particular start time and interval are requested. If the document does not existing in the database with the document ID corresponding to the start time, interval, source ID, and cache name, then that document will be generated.

Triggering Document Replacement#

Packets in the database are not replaced unless there is an error while trying to parse the data from that document. When an error occurs, it is assumed that SolarThing has been updated in a way so that a particular cache document is no longer valid. Maybe it doesn’t have enough data anymore, or maybe it has too much data, or maybe an error was thrown by SolarThing on purpose to indicate that the old cached data is bad and should not be used.

Unless a particular cache type is being actively developed, it is likely that for most cache types, they will be generated once and left in the database forever.

Cache Cleanup#

Currently SolarThing does not have a way to remove old cache data. There is no way to tell if a particular document is actively being used, so there is no perfect solution to this. The cache database does not take up much space, so this is not a concern.

chargeControllerAccumulation Cache Type#

The chargeControllerAccumulation cache type is one that keeps track of the amount of energy generated by a charge controller over a certain interval.

An example data object looks like this:

  "identifier": {
    "type": "outback",
    "address": 3
  "generationKWH": 0.099999905,
  "firstDateMillis": 1624480199471,
  "lastDateMillis": 1624481099437,
  "unknownGenerationKWH": 0,
  "unknownStartDateMillis": null

The data is pretty easy to understand, but there are some important things to know. You have an identifier object, which represents what device this data was generated from.

You have a firstDateMillis and lastDateMillis, which represent the timestamps of the first and last status packets that were used to generate this data. Those status packets belong to the device identified by that identifier. There may be any number of packets in between the first and last packets, but that information is irrelevant. It is also possible for there to be 0 packets in between the first and last packets used for generation, and it is possible that the first packet IS the last packet.

Almost always, firstDateMillis is actually outside of the interval for this document. It is usually the last packet of the previous interval. The reason for this is because let’s say that we have two intervals right next to each other. 13:15-13:30 and 13:30-13:45. The first interval has data from 13:14 to 13:29 and the second interval has data from 13:29 to 13:44. Let’s say that during the first interval 1.0 kWh was reported and during the second interval 1.0 kWh was reported. Let’s say that the device read these values at these times: 13:14=4.5kWh, 13:29=5.5kWh, 13:31=5.6kWh, 13:44=6.5kWh. Now, between 13:14 and 13:44, you can see that a total of 2.0 kWh was generated. However, if the generation of this data used 13:31 as the start packet for the second interval, the generated values would end up being 1.0 kWh and 0.9 kWh respectively. For this reason, the last packet from the previous interval is used for the start packet to make sure no data is “left behind” when generating the data.

In this case we have a generationKWH which represents the energy generated during this period.

“Unknown” Data in chargeControllerAccumulation#

In the above section, that particular piece of data is “known” because startDateMillis and endDateMillis are not null. “Known” pieces of data can have unknown components to them, which represents the accumulation of preceding periods where data in those periods for that particular device were “unknown”.

A particular piece of data is completely unknown if startDateMillis is null and endDateMillis is null. If that is the case, then that “unknown” data does not have an “unknown” component to it. It is only “unknown”.

In the above section, there is an example data object that has unknownGenerationKWH = 0 and unknownStartDateMillis = null. This means that particular piece of data is “known”, and it has no “unknown” component.

Here’s an example of data that would cause the following results:

# The following values are the timestamps of MX3 packets and the reading of MX3's kWh field
----- 13:00
----- 13:15
----- 13:30
----- 13:45
----- 14:00

13:00-13:15 generationKWH=0.3, start=12:59, end=13:14, no unknown component
13:15-13:30 unknown
13:30-13:45 unknown
13:45-14:00 generationKWH=0.3, start=13:46, end=13:55, unknownStart=13:14, unknownGeneration=0.4

You can now see that the unknown component represents the accumulation of data from previous intervals that were unknown all the way back to the last “known” interval. This allows us to say “I know that 0.3 kWh was generated between 13:45 and 14:00”, and “I know that sometime between 13:14 and 13:46 0.4 kWh was generated. I don’t know if all of that 0.4 kWh came from one period or another, I just know that it happened.”

Unknown components are necessary to prevent accumulation data from becoming lost if a device disconnects for an extended period of time.

Combining Intervals of Data#

In the cache database, data always goes in at fixed intervals. However, when you take that data out of the database (or calculate it yourself), having a bunch of 15 minute intervals usually isn’t that useful. Maybe you want hour long intervals or day long intervals. Each cache type supports combining two intervals of data right next to each other. So, you can combine intervals 13:15-13:30 and 13:30-13:45 to make a 13:15-13:45 interval. You can keep combining intervals of data until you get a bunch of intervals that you want, or more commonly combining all the intervals so you can get a single piece of data, such as the generation kWh for a single day.

Let’s say that we combine a two chargeControllerAccumulation types of data. 13:15-13:30 = 0.5 kWh generated and 13:30-13:45 = 0.6 kWh generated. Combining them gives us a result of 13:15-13:45 = 1.1 kWh generated.

Now let’s say that we have two intervals, both with unknown components.

14:00-15:00 generationKWH=1.3, unknownGenerationKWH=0.2
15:00-16:00 generationKWH=0.9, unknownGenerationKWH=0.1

Combined result:
Interval: 14:00-16:00
generationKWH=1.3+0.9+0.1 = 2.3

We see that to calculate the new generationKWH, we add up both generationKWH, then also add the later interval’s unknown component. The unkonwn component of the first interval remains in the resulting combining.

You can see this logic for yourself here: solarthing/blob/master/core/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/type/cache/packets/data/

batteryRecord Cache Type#

The batteryRecord cache is one that keeps track of the minimum and maximum battery voltage, along with the battery volt hours for an interval of time, for a single device. Minimum and maximum battery voltages are useful, but battery volt hours is usually used to determine the average (integral over interval).

An example battery record’s "data" object may look like this:

  "identifier": {
    "type": "outback",
    "address": 1
  "firstDateMillis": 1655321348930,
  "lastDateMillis": 1655322224927,
  "unknownStartDateMillis": null,
  "record": {
    "minBatteryVoltage": 24.4,
    "minBatteryVoltageDateMillis": 1655321543926,
    "maxBatteryVoltage": 25.6,
    "maxBatteryVoltageDateMillis": 1655321447930,
    "unknownBatteryVoltageHours": 0,
    "unknownDurationMillis": 0,
    "batteryVoltageHours": 6.056228924143589,
    "knownDurationMillis": 875997

The data keeps track of the time when the battery was at a minimum, and the time it was at a maximum.

You’ll notice that there is something called knownDurationMillis. This is the total duration that the batteryVoltageHours integral has been calculated over. For a packet in the database lastDateMillis - firstDateMillis, is exactly the same as knownDurationMillis. When we get into combining later, we will see how these two values may end up being different.

“Unknown” data is similar to that of a chargeControllerAccumulation cache. Unknown data represents data from the last known period up to the start of this period. The main difference is the precision of the data. Charge controllers report their power integral (energy), so even if a charge controller disconnects, the amount of energy it generated can be reliably calculated. This is not the case for a batteryRecord’s volt hours calculation. An unknown component is always calculated using two data points: The last battery voltage from before the current period, and the first battery voltage in this period. That means that while unknownBatteryVoltageHours does have the volt hours unit, it can be an unreliable estimate of what actually happened during the (possibly multiple) unknown periods.

Combining batteryRecord#

Combining two battery record cache periods is relatively simple. The minimum of the minimums becomes the new minimum and the maximum of the maximums becomes the new maximum. The battery voltage hours gets added up along with the known duration hours. The tricky part, is what happens to unknown data. If we followed this exactly how the charge controller cache handles this, the unknown component of the later period would be added to the known component of the resulting combination. However, remember that an unknown component was calculated using two data points, and is extremely inprecise. Because of this, a battery record cache also has a “gap” component, which represents unknown components somewhere in the middle of the period. This allows someone to include or exclude the gap component in the calculation of an average. This gives choice to the users of this data so they can either ignore the “gap” component, or just add it onto the known component.

You can see the logic of combining two battery record caches here: solarthing/blob/master/core/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/type/cache/packets/data/

IdentificationCacheNodeCreator: generating data#

IdentificationCacheNodeCreator is an interface that is used for generating data for a single device. You can view it here: solarthing/blob/master/core/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/rest/cache/creators/IdentificationCacheNodeCreator/java

The interface is pretty simple. getAcceptedType() should return the class of the type to accept. For instance BatteryVoltage to get any type of device that provides the battery voltage. getCacheName() should return the name of the cache, which should be unique among all cache names. Some examples of names already in use are batteryRecord, chargeControllerAccumulation, and fxAccumulation. New names should use camelCase, and should NOT be redundant by including “cache” in the name.

The most important method of this interface is the create method. The parameters taken are as follows:

  • identifierFragment: Represents the fragment and identifier for a given device

  • packets: The packets of the type given by getAcceptedType(). Note that these packets may and will be out of the range of the given period. The implementation should filter for the given period or use the extra data for smart calculations. You can assume these are sorted in ascending order.

  • periodStart: The start time of the period that data will be returned for

  • periodDuration: The duration of the period that data will be returned for

One question one might have is why so much data is provided. The reason for this is because we want and period to be able to calculate its “unknown” component by backtracking up to ~4 hours before the period even started. In fact, any time this is called, it is expected that data should be provided for at least 4 hours before the start of the period. Usually, much more data will be provided when calling this method, but it should not use all of that. By not using all of the data provided, reproducible caches are possible so no matter how much data is provided in the packets list, the same result should occur each time for a given cache and device.

The data returned is an IdentificationCacheNode, which holds the fragment of the device and also the data, which is required to hold the identifier of the device because the data is of the type of IdentificationCacheData, which is the common type for data that can be combined.

So to recap, when calling the create method of a IdentificationCacheNodeCreator, data for a single device is provided, and the returned value is the data for that device for the given period. A IdentificationCacheNodeCreator only deals with a single device and a single period at a time!

CacheCreator: generating data#

A CacheCreator is at a lower level of abstraction than a IdentificationCacheNodeCreator. The result from a CacheCreator is what is stored right in the database. It has a single method: createFrom(). This method takes a source ID, a list of packets, and the period. This list of packets follows the same 4 hour rule that IdentificationCacheNodeCreator follows, as its implementation directly calls IdentificationCacheNodeCreator’s create() method.

DefaultIdentificationCacheCreator: CacheCreator implementation#

A CacheCreator doesn’t have to necessarily deal with IdentificationCacheNodeCreator s. The main (and only) implementation of CacheCreator is DefaultIdentificationCacheCreator, which takes a IdentificationCacheNodeCreator.

This implementation is the lowest level of abstraction for data generation. Any lower and we’ll start getting into the logic for determining what periods to generate, cache, and store in the database.

BatteryRecordCacheNodeCreator implementation#

BatteryRecordCacheNodeCreator implements IdentificationCacheNodeCreator and has the main logic for generating batteryRecord caches. View it here: solarthing/blob/master/core/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/rest/cache/creators/

Cache Logic#

The actual logic for generating caches and storing them in the database is present here: solarthing/blob/master/server/src/main/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/rest/cache/

Usages of caches#

Currently, the SolarThing Server program exposes a REST API for querying cache data, which then will call methods provided by CacheHandler. You can see this here: solarthing/blob/master/server/src/main/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/rest/cache/

Currently, nothing actually uses that REST endpoint, but there are usages of CacheController in some of the GraphQL queries. Typically, a GraphQL query that needs to use cache data will be provided a CacheController object. You can see an example here: solarthing/blob/master/server/src/main/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/rest/graphql/service/

Creating your own cache#

If you would like to make your own cache, then you first need to decide a couple of things. We will assume that you would like to make a cache that is based around data for each device of a certain type. In this case, we will be implementing the IdentificationCacheData interface, or more likely, we will be extending an abstract implementation of that called BaseAccumulationDataCache. Now, let’s come up with some sort of name for our cache such as “cheese sandwich cache”.

We will create a class called CheeseSandwichDataCache, which will extend BaseAccumulationDataCache. This class should be created in the core module under the package. We should create a field like so: public static final String CACHE_NAME = "cheeseSandwich";. We should annotate our class with @JsonExplicit, and create a constructor annotated with @JsonCreator. You can see an example here: solarthing/blob/master/core/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/type/cache/packets/data/

You should populate your newly created class with useful data and implement the combine() method.

Now, we need to create our class to generate the data. We will create a class called CheeseSandwichCacheNodeCreator in the graphql module under the package. This should implement IdentificationCacheNodeCreator<CheeseSandwichDataCache, CheeseSandwichStatusPacket>. Note that you can replace CheeseSandwichStatusPacket with whatever type of class that you need to use to generate data. Note that class must implement the Identifiable interface AND, the identifier returned must be serializabe and deserializable to and from JSON. Please make sure you check to make sure that the type of identifiable used by that class is present in the @JsonSubTypes in the Identifier interface. You can see an example here: solarthing/blob/master/server/src/main/java/me/retrodaredevil/solarthing/rest/cache/creators/

Now that you have your class created, it’s time to implement the required methods. The getAcceptedType() method can return the class of what you replaced CheeseSandwichStatusPacket with. getCacheName() returns CheeseSandwichDataCache.CACHE_NAME. Now it’s time to implement the create method. This is where you may have to get creative to create the perfect algorithm to generate your data, or you can look at one of the many implementations of this method for other types of cache data.

Once you are done, go into the CacheHandler class, and add an entry similer to the other entries under the CACHE_CREATORS field. Now go to CacheController and add a method similer to the other methods already present, but for your data types. To test it, use something to hit the newly created endpoint that you have made, and see if it works.