
SolarThing gets updates every once in a while, and when it does, you will want to update. You can see updates here: https://github.com/wildmountainfarms/solarthing/releases

Navigate to the directory containing your docker-compose.yml file. Now do:

sudo docker compose pull && sudo docker compose up -d

Now you have the latest version!

If your docker compose file references a version other than latest, you may have to manually change it and do the above commands.

Permission Issues#


Permission errors should not occur for Docker Installs

If you got errors while trying to update, run these commands:

sudo other/linux/create_user.sh
sudo other/linux/update_perms.sh
sudo usermod -a -G solarthing,dialout,tty,video,gpio $USER
# Or use this if you don't need the gpio (if your system doesn't have the gpio group)
sudo usermod -a -G solarthing,dialout,tty,video $USER